The Clean Slate – Page 13 – Koparo Clean
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The Clean Slate


A clean home for your new baby

Posted on October 05, 2020
Kopraan Store
If you’re expecting to welcome your little one into this world soon, we can only imagine your excitement! As parents, we all want to provide the best for our babies – the best things, the best opportunities and all the love and support in the world. 
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Simran Khara
Run on Why Bleach is Bad by Koparo

The Rundown: Why Bleach is Bad

Posted on October 05, 2020
Kopraan Store

When you bring out your home cleaning products, you will be surprised just how many of them contain bleach. Advertisements on primetime TV have created a false belief that one needs to clean with bleach for a germ-free household.

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Simran Khara
Should you use Dettol antiseptic liquid as a floor cleaner?

Should you use antiseptic liquids as a floor cleaner?

Posted on September 14, 2020
YDG Collaborator
Anti-septics are our go-to solution for cleaning and getting rid of germs. Naturally, we often use these liquids as a floor cleaner because of our deep-seated trust in these brands. But is it the right thing to do? We will explore this question in depth in this post.
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Best pet safe cleaning products by Koparo

Pet-safe Cleaning Products: The Low Down

Posted on August 24, 2020
Kopraan Store
If you have kids, you are familiar with the constant worry: is my floor clean? People with furry babies share the same concern. Most of the time we are not aware that commercially manufactured floor cleaners could be dangerous for our pets. It’s important to know that the toxins and chemicals in synthetic cleaners can make our pets sick and irritate their skin.
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Simran Khara
Common Household Cleaning Products Can Cause Headaches

Could your cleaners be causing headaches?

Posted on August 09, 2020
Natasha Puri

We all know what a headache household chores can be, literally and figuratively. Especially during the COVID19 pandemic, when most of us have to do all the cleaning on our own.

Sometimes it is not just your dislike of the task or the physical strain that is causing those headaches. Ingredients in common household products have been linked to headaches, migraines, asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity.

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Tips on How to Keep Your Mask Clean by Koparo

How to Keep Your Masks Clean?

Posted on August 09, 2020
Kopraan Store
Face masks are the latest necessity that we absolutely cannot do without nowadays, ever since Coronavirus has come into our lives. Masks have become an important precautionary measure to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and must be worn especially when going to the grocery store, pharmacy or any where social distancing may be hard to follow.
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Simran Khara
Cleaning products expose your child to the risk of asthma

Are Your Cleaning Products Exposing Your Child To The Risk Of Asthma?

Posted on August 09, 2020
Kopraan Store
Maintaining a clean household is an important concern for anyone. Even more so for new parents or those with young children. Add the current Coronavirus pandemic into the mix, and cleaning is surely the number one priority in most households at the moment. With the availability of a wide array of cleaners, soaps, disinfectants, it is an easy to do task. 
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Simran Khara
20 Surprising Germ Hotspots Around You and How to Spot Them - Kopraan Store

20 Surprising Germ Hotspots Around You and How to Spot Them

Posted on August 07, 2020
Natasha Puri
Pleased as you may be by religiously washing your hands with soap, for twenty seconds at that, you are still exposed to all those infections. Why? Because there are so many surfaces around us that are safe havens for germs. Daily dusting, sweeping and mopping of floors and other visible surfaces is necessary for hygiene. But what about those hidden spots which fly under our radar? Are you cleaning the dirtiest places in your homes?
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Cleaner Than Clean: The Koparo Story

Posted on July 21, 2020
Kopraan Store

Koparo is born out of this massive discontinuity that the cleaning products industry is witnessing today. Our mission is to redefine cleaning in every way possible. Koparo is launching to bring you natural, safe, and very effective cleaning products. 

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Simran Khara

What is toxin-free cleaning? … and why it is important

Posted on July 10, 2020
Kopraan Store
Most commercial cleaners are loaded with toxic and polluting substances. The long-term health effects and environmental pollution caused by using these products cannot be taken lightly. Studies are linking some of the harsh chemicals, dyes and fragrances used to an increase in childhood asthma, reproductive disorders and even cancer.
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Simran Khara

4 harmful chemical cleaners you probably didn’t know are in your handwash

Posted on July 10, 2020
Rakshit Ranjan
The mantra during the coronavirus pandemic across the world has been simple - wash your hands thoroughly and sanitize regularly. The Centre of Disease Control calls handwashing a “do-it-yourself vaccine” and a simple yet powerful way to remove germs, avoid getting sick and prevent the spread of germs to others. Reading your handwash label has become more important than ever before.
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100% natural 2022 resolutions Acid-Free Formula after holi cleaning air freshner Air Purifiers all natural all natural body wash All Natural Surface Cleaner All Purpose Cleaner Aloe Vera Plant aluminium foil animal animal love antibacterial antiseptic Appliances aroma Asiatic Lion Asthma Asthma in children athletics baby care baby clothes stains baby friendly baby friendly floor cleaner baby laundry detergent baby safe baby safe floor cleaner Baby Safe Floor Disinfectant baby-safe Back-to-School Season bacteria baking soda bath bombs bathroom bathroom cleaner bathroom cleaning bathroom cleaning mistake bathroom taps beauty without bunnies bedding bedsheets Bengal Tiger Best Indoor Plants for Health Best smelling floor cleaner India binge watch biodegradable Bisphenol A (BPA) Black Buck bleach-free Bleaching Blender body wash body wash benefits body wash vs bar soap Boost Your Mood boots calm candle candle making car fragrance carbon emissions carbon footprint cellulose sponge Changes Chemical Free chemical-free child friendly Childhood asthma Children chocolate bark Chores Christmas Christmas Crafts Christmas Tree citric acid Citrus clean Clean Air clean dishes Clean House clean resolutions Clean Stubborn Stains cleaner cleaners cleaning cleaning & society cleaning 2022 cleaning bathroom Cleaning boots cleaning clothes Cleaning Desk Tips cleaning floor cleaning furniture cleaning home cleaning products cleaning resolutions cleaning shows cleaning taps Cleaning Tips cleaning tools cleaning walls cleaning your tools cloth conditioner cloth mask clothes coconut based coconut cleaner coconut surfactants coffee coffee stain cornflour COVID-19 covid-19 care cruelty free customairfreshener Declutter deep cleaning detangling brush detergent Dirty Dishes dish soap Dishwash Dishwasher Dishwashing Liquid Dishwashing Liquid 500ml disinfectant disposable mask diwali Diwali cleaning diwali festival DIY diy candles DIY cards DIY cleaning DIY Hacks Dog floor cleaner dog lover Dog Safe Floor Cleaner dog shampoo dry skin dry skin winterw dushhera break dusting Easy Peasy Crafts Easy to Care eco decor Eco friendly eco friendly all purpose cleaner eco friendly home eco friendly swaps eco-friendly Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable Ingredients eco-friendly gifting eco-friendly living Eco-friendly Pet Gift Ideas ecofriendly ecofriendly Diwali ecofriendly products environment Environment Clean Environmental Impact of Cleaning Products: Essential Lavender oil essential oil candles Essential oil for hair essential oil frankincense essential oil tea tree essential oils Experiment fabric conditioner fabric softener India fair trade chocolate Fertilizers festival season festive season Finances fitness Flame Retardants floor cleaner floor cleaning liquid food waste Formaldehyde fragrance Fragrances fresh fresh home Furniture Cleaner Gardening gender bias gender inequality gender inequality in family gender inequality in home gift wrapping gifting candles Gifts gifts ideas glass cleaning go green Good Hygiene granite Grape Ivy Grease-Free Kitchen green cleaning Green Packaging Greenery hair hair care hand sanitiser hand wash hand washing handmade Handwash Happy Diwali happy holi Hard Stains hard water hardwood harmful chemicals health and hygiene Healthy healthy coat. healthy fur herbal body wash Holi cleaning home home care home care tips home cleaning home decor Home made sweets home makeover house cleaning household chores housework how to clean hydration Immune System Indoor Plants irritation-free skin itching jasmine jewellery responsibly ketchup Kids friendly kitchen cleaning kitchen degreaser kitchen hacks Kitchen Solutions Koparo koparo baby laundry Koparo Clean koparo cleaning koparo essentials oils Koparo Floor Cleaner Koparo Furniture Cleaner! Koparo Laundry Detergent Koparo Magic Eraser koparo news Koparo products koparo toilet cleaner Kopraan laundry laundry care laundry day laundry detergent laundry detergent companies laundry detergent for babies laundry detergent is made with natural laundry detergent liquid laundry liquid detergenyt laundry products lavender lemon juice Lemongrass essential oil Lessons Life Skills lifestyle & wellness Lifestyle and Wellness Lint roller lint-free & scratch-free cleaning liquid handwash liquid soap long-lasting present Low Maintenance magic eraser marble floor cleaner Mask mattress mattress cleaning mental health microfiber cloth Microwave Minimal watering plants Mixer Mobile mobile phones moisturise moisturizing and hydrating shampoo Money Money Plant monsoon monsoon home care mood multipurpose cleaner National Endangered Species Day natrural Natural natural ingredients natural bio enzymes natural body wash natural cleaners natural cleaning Natural Dishwashing Liquid natural disinfectant natural dog product natural floor cleaner Natural Floor Cleaner India natural freshner natural handwash Natural Laundry Liquid natural oil natural product natural soap natural solutions nature Net Zero Target netflix New New Name New Year new year goals new year resolutions no bleach added no chemicals no fumes no harsh substances used no toxic acid No Toxic Fumes No Toxins Non toxic cleaning products Non Toxic Floor Cleaner For Babies Non-Dyed Formula Non-toxic Non-Toxic Magic Eraser nonstick pan nonstick utensils Orange essential oil Organic organic body wash Organic cleaners Organic Dishwashing Liquid organic freshner Organic Produce organise organising shows Organizing Paint parenting pet allergies pet care Pet friendly Pet friendly floor cleaner Pet friendly floor cleaner India Pet Gift Ideas Pet grooming pet safe Pet Safe Floor Cleaner pet-safe peta peta certified PETA Vegan & Cruelty-Free. pH Balanced formula Phosphates Phthalates plan plant plant based plant based ingredients Plant some flowers plant-based ingredients plasticfree Pocket Money potpourri Powder Vs Laundry detergent prime video Rainy Weather Strikes recycle regular soap Remove Hard Stains remove stain resolutions reuse room cleaning rose rough skin in winters safe safe clothes safe dishes safe for all surfaces safe for baby safe for baby skin safe for bathing safe for hair safe for hands Safe for pets safe for pets and kids safe for skin safe for your baby's sensitive skin safe handwash Safe Haven safe home safe laundry safety salt sanitizer Santa Claus Savings scent Science Seeds shoe cleaning shoes shower head shower routine side effects of chemical cleaners silver silver cutlery silver jewellery silverware skin care skincare skincare routine smell smells good Snake Plant sneaker cleaning sneakerhead soap soap bar soft hands Soil sponge wipes stain remover stress free cleaning Sulfates summer surfactants sustainability sustainable Sustainable Cleaning sustainable gifting sustainable gifts sustainable journey tap and shower cleaner Therapeutic tiles tip for cleaning masks Tips to do list toddler mom care toilet cleaner Tomatoes toxic degreasers toxic ingredients toxin-free toxins toy cleaning toys Triclosan tuberose tv shows utensil cleaner liquid vagan Valentine's Day gifts valentines day gift vegan vegan cleaners vegan diet vegan shower gel Vegetables wall wall cleaning Wash your pet water water conservation waterbottle Weather change WFH desk white shoes white sneakers White Vinegar wildlife wildlife photography window cleaning winter boots winter season winter skin wood cleaning wood furniture Wooden Furniture
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