Declutter Your Desk, Declutter Your Mind – Koparo Clean
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Declutter Your  Desk Get Rid Of The Mess

WFH Desk: Time to clean it up!


It’s 2019. You’re at the office. Sitting at your desk. A notification pops up on your laptop screen, but all you can see is the mess that lies behind it. The cup of coffee that your colleague got you in the morning that’s been lying there for hours, the multiple papers you scribbled on lay scattered around, the pens that you were so happy to show off now have no home, the photographs have stains… Ah, what a mess.

But you go back to your laptop, because of work.


Flash forward, it’s 2020. You’re at home. Sitting at your desk. It’s been your favourite colleague this year, the one that you can never forget. You’re staring at the clock, it’s running very slow today. A notification pops up on your laptop, and you’re back to typing… except, you feel stuck. You don’t know what you’re doing. Is it the monotony, or is it just the unending list of tasks… So you decide to get up and get some coffee. 

But, your coffee cups are on your desk. 

So are those papers you scribbled on. The colouring book you got to meditate in the middle of work hours. 

Sounds like your desk?

You have to declutter. 

Why? Because great things happen when you declutter.

Organizing your sacred work from home space will

  • help you find things faster,
  • make you feel productive,
  • and there’s enough written about how it can lower your stress.
Messy Desk Declutter To Keep It Clean and Neat

Here are 7 effective ways to push you to clear those old papers you have “ideas” on: 

EVICT what you don’t need 

Yes, let’s start with that pile of papers that barely have their own space. Clear out your desk completely. Everything from files to electronic accessories to bobbleheads/action figures. Make piles of what you need and what you don’t.

Keep it CLEAN 

When was the last time you wiped your desk? That one time, 5 months ago in a burst of energy that lasted only till you finished your coffee? 

Do it again. Clean the desk, rub off all those stains, those tiny grains of snacks. Make it a habit to clean it, because too much dirt could give rise to smell, mouldy corners, and even multiply bacteria.

Find an all-purpose cleaner, you can use Koparo's non-toxic Mandarin Orange All-Purpose Spray. Works on all surfaces, gets rid of dust and grime, and smells oh so good


You’ve made those piles of things you want & can part with - now look at it again - don’t let the voice that says “might need it later” win. Sort through all the things, and show the ones that have served their purpose the door. 

Filing Office Stationery Clean and Organized Desk

ASSIGN a place for everything you own 

Just like your desk is in a particular space in your house, so do your little knick-knacks. Assign a place for all your books, papers, filed, a mug for your stationery, a coaster for your cups of coffee, etc. Everything else goes back in the drawer - yes, you don’t need a stapler every day or that colouring book! 

PICK your Organizers 

They do a good job to take care of all your office stationery! Invest in a few for yourself. Here’s also when you can add a touch of style to your desk. Personally, I love the Ikea organizers, they’re super handy and serious value for money.

CREATE folders 

Just like we create folders on our laptops, we create them for our papers. Divide them basis, project, person, deadlines, etc. to make things easier. This might seem a little tricky but once done, it would be extremely helpful. 

SET aside 5 minutes in a day

Dedicate 5 minutes of your day to organize your desk every evening. Trust me the mornings won’t feel so overwhelming anymore.

Neat Organized Desk Cleaning Your Desk

Bring in fresh, green low maintenance indoor plants to accompany you through out the day!

We hope this could help you to get up and clean! We would love for you to share your experiences on decluttering your WFH desk.